Meet Will Ivany - The founder of 1228 Studios

“It Is what you choose to see”

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My journey as an artist has been a long and winding one…

I started out as a musician, playing drums since I was a young child. This was my very first passion, and I’ve grown with this passion my entire life. But, As I grew, so did my passion for the arts and I began exploring other types of art like graphic design when I was only 11.

At 13 years old, I was blessed with opportunities to create work for many close friends who were trying to get out into the YouTube scene.

so, I decided to take the next step in my career: freelancing.

Completing numerous works for many clients over the next four years gave me an invaluable opportunity to hone my skill set. But I wanted to learn more traditional forms of art like painting and sculpting – leading me to attend college. I went to Conestoga college for media and design.

It was all good until the end of my studies – one of my art history teachers declared that my artwork wasn't 'art' because abstract art has no subject matter... This criticism shook me up so much that it made me take a step back and re-evaluate what it meant to be an artist – after all, was she right?

I decided to drop out so I could try and understand this thing. I wanted to prove that teacher wrong.

I continued to paint and do graphic design after this while I tried to figure out what my life looks like if I wanted to do this for a career. I figured If I wanted the answer there was only one way to find out.

This was a long search of finding myself in my work, searching my mind and clearing it up, and just being more and more real with myself as time went on. Being a creative entrepreneur had always intrigued me but never seemed to fit into my plan. I always had a new curveball thrown at me, making it impossible to focus solely on the work.

Eight years later, I’ve sold hundreds of paintings and worked on countless design projects and It's one of the biggest parts of my plan. I couldn’t imagine my life any other way.

But, as you grow out of old problems, you run into new ones. Struggling to keep up with the pace of the digital era, I tried what felt like everything to get out there. I just kept running into paywalls, gatekeepers, and a lack of connections to other artists in the industry. I had enough of it. It was hindering my progress so much and no one was out here trying to make it any easier.

Luckily for me I stumbled upon of few good people that helped me navigate a bit and gave me opportunities to grow.

But that isn’t the case for most artists. This led me to think,

where do you even Start if you’re new to this?

How do you start?

What are the moving parts?

How do you make this thing work?

After tons of research, scanning the industry for companies Helping artists, Resources for artists, Easy ways to start out… it was clear to me how much the landscape of the industry had changed from when I first started out all those years ago.

While there are many opportunities out there for creatives, most require quite a lot of money or time to gain recognition and success - both of which can be hard to come by if you’re just starting out in your career as an artist.

That is why I created 1228 Studios – a platform where artists can connect with each other, share their work, and gain recognition without spending large amounts of money or time trying to market their own works online.

With this commitment, I hope to inspire generations of artists around the world with my dedication and passion for creativity. Let 1228 Studios be the bridge that connects your art to a larger audience - unlock your creative potential today!

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