• Q: What is 1228 Studios?

    A: 1228 Studios is an innovative platform designed to help aspiring creatives around the world reach new heights in their art journey. We provide meaningful opportunities for collaboration across many industries and valuable resources specifically tailored to our members. From artists to freelancers, entrepreneurs to professionals, we bring together people who are passionate about art.

  • Q: What kind of resources does 1228 Studios provide?

    A: We strive to provide our members with the most comprehensive tools and resources for their creative journeys. Our platform provides learning opportunities for artists of all levels, from beginners just starting out to experienced professionals. Additionally, we curate meaningful activities and projects throughout the year to keep our members motivated and engaged with their work.

  • Q:Are there any guidelines I should follow when posting artwork on 1228 Studios?

    A: Yes, all artwork posted on 1228 Studios should follow our Terms of Service and should not contain any inappropriate or offensive content. Additionally, members are expected to respect the copyright of others when posting artwork. We also encourage members to be mindful of their audience when creating artworks for the website. All artwork posted should be of an acceptable standard in terms of content, presentation, and quality. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in the removal of artwork from the website. Please take the time to review our Terms of Service for more information.

  • Q: How can I join 1228 Studios?

    A: Joining 1228 Studios is easy! All you have to do is create an account on Discord, Come back here and Click this Link https://discord.gg/76DjyXNZHe. You will get re-directed to our community hub. This is completely free and will always be. We also encourage you to take advantage of our various events, workshops, and social activities to get the most out of your 1228 Studios experience.

  • Q:Is there a way to access customer support if I have questions about 1228 Studios?

    A: Yes, you can contact our customer support team directly via email or discord for assistance with any queries you may have. You can also find helpful information and answers to common questions on the website's FAQ page.

    Additionally, if you have any feedback or suggestions for improvement, we would love to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to reach out!

  • Q: What kind of environment does 1228 Studios provide?

    A: At 1228 Studios, we strive to create an atmosphere of creativity, friendship, and support for all our members as they pursue their creative endeavors. Our extensive network makes it easy to connect with likeminded people from around the world and our online presence and offline events ensure that everyone is provided a safe space free of judgement or criticism.

  • Q: What type of activities does 1228 Studios host?

    A: We recognize that individual creative expression requires both mental effort and physical energy, so we always make sure there’s something fun going on! From our monthly happy hours to educational workshops, there’s always an enjoyable activity for everyone at 1228 Studios. Join us today and discover the world of possibility!

  • Q: Are there any fees associated with becoming a member of 1228 Studios?

    A: Yes and No, It depends on what you need. Becoming a member of 1228 Studios Community is completely free! We want to make sure that everyone has access to our platform and all the benefits that come along with it. You can sign up for a Discord account today and start exploring all that we have to offer for absolutely no cost.

    We do Charge for Portfolio Hosting and Virtual Gallery Placements. But we keep our cost very low, and pass those savings onto you.

  • Q:Is there a way to message other members of 1228 Studios directly?

    A: Yes, you can send direct messages to any member on 1228 Studios using the Discord messaging system. Please make sure you ask the member you want to message if it is okay to DM them. Not all members like to be messaged, so please respect peoples privacy.

  • Q:What type of art can I showcase on 1228 Studios?

    A: You can showcase any type of visual art, including drawings, paintings, photography, digital art, and sculptures and Video.

    The rule of thumb is : As long as you can get a high-res photo or file of your work, we can show it. If you have video, upload to youtube and we can show it. If you have audio, Upload to a spotify playlist and we can show it.
    As we grow we will continue to find new ways to showcase work.

  • Q:Are there any restrictions when posting art on 1228 Studios?

    A: Yes, members must abide by the Community Guidelines and refrain from posting any content that is inappropriate or offensive. Please be respectful and don’t spam. Our Auto Moderation will catch this if you are doing it.

  • Q:Is the content on 1228 Studios moderated?

    A: Yes, all content posted on 1228 Studios is monitored by our trusty 1228 Discord bot as well as our AutoMod Function and our moderators to ensure it meets our standards for quality and appropriateness.

  • Q:How do I contact the customer service team at 1228 Studios?

    A: You can contact our customer service team by submitting a Contact request through the website or a Support request through discord.

  • Q:Is the content on 1228 Studios available for download or purchase?

    A: Yes, members can download and *purchase artwork directly from the website.

  • Q:Is there a way to connect my social media accounts with 1228 Studio

    A: Yes, you can link your Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts In the “ Drop My Socials “ Section of our discord once you’ve reached level 5 on the ranking system ( Based on activity )

  • Q:Does 1228 Studios offer any discounts for its members?

    A: Yes, 1228 Studios offers exclusive discounts and promotions to its members. We will also do giveaways in our discord server and freebies on our website ! keep your eyes out for those :)

  • Q:How can I learn more about the features and benefits of 1228 Studios?

    A: You can learn more about the features and benefits of 1228 Studios by reading our FAQs, exploring the website, or contacting customer support.

  • Q:Does 1228 Studios have any tutorials available for learning how to use the Discord?

    A: Yes, we provide a range of tutorials and resources to help members learn about the features of 1228 Studios and make the most of their time here. Check out our blog posts our helpful channels in the discord.

  • Q:Is there a way to search for other artists on 1228 Studios?

    A: Yes, you can use the website's Artist pages and features to find other members and explore their artwork. Or, You can check out our Always-On Virtual gallery and any Live Themed events going on right now at the Virtual Shows page on the website.

  • Q:Does 1228 Studios have any partnerships with retail stores or galleries?

    A: Not currently, But we are actively looking for partnerships. If you are interested in partnering up, please contact us.

  • Q:How can I receive feedback on my artwork from other members of 1228 Studios?

    A: You can post your artwork in the community forums and receive constructive feedback from other members. Additionally, We are planning on offering discovery calls with every portfolio or virtual gallery subscription. This is a great way to get some good 1-on-1 feedback about your work.